
All the information which has been displayed on the website is copyright by This site is designed, updated and maintained by You should not modify, publish, transmit, transfer, sell, display or in any way commercially utilize any of the content at

Return Policy

Return of any product shall be done against defective or damaged shipment. Return should be raised within 24 hours of receipt of the product. So you are requested to shoot a video during unpacking of the shipment and take the photograph and upload to the site for better service.


Refund shall be happened within 5-8 working days or within 24 hours after return process completed (i.e. after reaching the shipment to the warehouse).


The price of any product in the site may be changed time to time according to the demand and supply, price of the raw materials and transportation without any prior information.

Delivery Terms

Delivery of the product shall be done with no extra cost (only applicable if the order value is Rs.599/- or above) within 5-8 working days depending upon the delivery destination as well as any obstacles on transportation which is beyond our control (i.e. natural calamity, strike etc.).


Cancellation of any product will be applicable only before the shipping happens.

Terms Of Use - Disclaimer reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to suspend or cancel the service at any time if a computer virus, bug, or other technical problem corrupts the security, or proper administration of the service. disclaims all warranties or conditions, whether expressed or implied, (including without limitation implied, warranties or conditions of information and context). We consider ourselves and intend to be subject to the jurisdiction onl y of the local courts. reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at any time. shall not be responsible for any damage caused by the use of its website.